
Monday, January 27, 2014

Lots Of Proposals, Don't Even Know Who To Say Yes To - Cossy Orjiakor

The controversial Nigerian boobs queen as made the world know that she is still sexy and attractive for men now we all know Cossy wasn't playing when she said she was going to get married or
have a baby this year. Now she claims she has gotten so many proposals and doesn't know which to accept She said

"@Cossydiva: Lots of proposals. Don't even know who to say yes to. Hmmmmmm maybe I will do tum bum tum bum... Won't wanna rush in and run out. hahaha"

 Lol any advice for her?


  1. Some women don't know the difference between a marriage proposal and a I want to fuck you proposal smh

  2. If only wishes were horses... Mmmm
