
Friday, November 15, 2013

Man Leaves Wife And Impregnated Her Sister Because She Is Better Off In Bed And In The Kitchen... THAT'S NICE!

He had a Rossy marriage, everything was all so blooming and flourishing with two lovely kids from his legally married wife not until he tasted his sister-in-law's meal eight months ago. The 33-year-old man dumped his wife and moved in with his 35-year-old sister-in-law who is now pregnant!

His wife is brokenhearted and the families of the couple are in shock.
A meeting attended by elders from the families was held last weekend in Rockville, Soweto, between the man, his
wife and sister-in-law.
The man gave his reasons for dumping his wife.

“My new lover gives me wonderful intimate pleasure. She
is also a better cook than my wife,” he told the meeting.
A family member said the man had been with his 29-
year-old wife for 10 years.
She said the man explained that he impregnated his
wife’s sister because he loves her and only God could
separate them.
She said: “We always heard the wife complaining that
her husband was not sleeping in the house, but we never thought he could be dating her sister.”
The man told them he was planning to marry his new
lover because she had all it took to be his wife.
His legally married wife said she is not ready to speak
to Daily Sun now.
When the People’s Paper called the husband and his
sister-in-law, the phone went on voicemail.

Sisters that can be with the same man, and a man that can jump from sister to sister all have issues. The new couple fit each other die. Goodluck to them. The ex-wife should move on and leave them alone. This man is not worth 1kobo.
What goes around comes around, he will soon find someone that can cook better than her and so also blow his mind with intimate pleasure

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  1. Oh good. When he is bored with her style of intimacy, he will dump the new wife for another woman who cooks better and is better in bed.

    Or the woman will dump him for a richer man who can take her past cloud 9.

  2. Madam dee ... After starving us of news for two days. You brought skeleton for us.... Abi u don't die?

  3. Nice? Lol.. This Diamond ehn

  4. Yes na,madam dee starved us no be small. Come back again dey give us skeleton GOD dey o
