
Monday, November 18, 2013

Five (5) School Children Crushed By A Trailer In Ajah Road, Lagos State

There's serious wild uproar on Ajah Road in Lagos presently at the moment as area boys and passers-by are clashing with policemen after a trailer crushed five students as they were crossing the road.

This sad incident happened close to Ikota Primary School and the dead pupils are believed to be making their way to the school when they were killed. The tanker driver abandoned his truck and ran away

The two express lanes are presently blicked and the people protesting are insisting they won't leave the area until Governor Fashola shows up. They are blaming the gruesome accident on the lack of a pedestrian bridge in the area.

The angry protesters which has caused heavy traffic in the area. There's heavy police presence in the area and hopefully they'll calm the area down as soon as possible... Rest In Peace to those five children who didn't know they'll be with their Father Jesus Christ today.

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