
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Naked Man Chase Prostitute Back To The Hotel Room After She Tried To Run Away With His Money- SEE PICTURE

Quite an interesting story,lol, The man in the picture is naked because he slept with a prostitute in hotel and tried chasing her immediately he saw her trying to escape with his money, thank your stars you were smart enough
To wake up in time and went after the prostitute in a swift chase not thinking of wearing anything, displaying his ‘property’ to the whole public.

He dragged her back to the hotel and ………..

the story continues.....


  1. Nawa oo, was it worth runing around naked?

  2. I don't know where you get these stories...but that's some real s@*^.
    @abraham odey, If that was his last card (check up) it must have been worth it.

  3. What da effff... See yansh
