
Friday, September 27, 2013

Celebrities looking ugly when they were younger- Pictures

 #4 Keira Knightley

Once upon a time our favorite character from Pirates of the Carribean would not have even gotten an audition. Good thing Keira went from beast to beauty.

 #3 Scarlett Johansson

Scarlet Jo was a tomboy as . kid, and to young boys a tomboy is the definition of an ugly duckling. Her classmates are kicking themselves for not making her their wifey back in the 4th grade.

#2 Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman was not a hideous child, but her afro puts her in rare company when it comes to celebrity transformations. You could take a machete to that thing without making a dent, Lol, but seriously the transformation was great

#1  Rusell Brand

Russell Brand started off looking like Tony Soprano's driver and now looks like....Russell Brand. The ultra skinny, tattooed funnyman looks nothing like his childhood self.

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